Known and loved in risque nightspots and joyous red-lit dens of iniquity as the Producer and DJ Projekt Gestalten, Brazilian born Berlin transplant Diego Garcia has uploaded an exclusive new track to Formaviva, to celebrate their new artist profile on the platform.

'Haut' is the Pornceptual resident's take on the Berlin sound - hard, reduced, hypnotic and unrelenting in the most positive ways! We welcome the head of the queer identifying VRAAA label and sometimes Princess of Death, their 'unrivalled promiscuity of tongue-in-cheek tawdry' (!!!) constantly reminding the greyscale techno scene what's up!

"This is the first track of mine I have heard played at my favourite dancefloor in the world and I kept it private for six years. Now, I am thrilled to share a new remastered version to announce my Formaviva profile."

Mastered by Inland

Released by 22 March 2021
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