Paolini said: 'The sea is the emotion embodied. It loves, hates and cries. It defies all attempts to capture it with words, and it rejects any limitation'. - How vast is the deep expanse of the oceans, its sound penetrates and hypnotizes the soul, it immerses us and envelops us in its inexplicable magic. Fortunate one who is hypnotized by the ocean. - Aleja Sanchez

Northallsen Records is pleased to present 'Ocean Hypnosis' The first Aleja's extended work. A special Ambient release presented as a preview piece to her second vinyl release in Northallsen next June Alongside a very special invited artist. This is a Misterious, ethereal, and mesmerizing piece of electronic music that intends to transport us to a state of mind beetwen the reality and a subrealist fantasy in the deep of ocean. We hope you enjoy.

Released by 07 May 2019

Ocean Hipnosis

by Aleja Sanchez

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