The Vortex | Podcast #008 | Vito Lucente

by Vito Lucente


Bio: Toronto native Vito Lucente formulates his distinct sound by blending the mechanical with spiritual, culminating a meditative state spawning from a deeper subconscious intimacy.

A letter from Vito - This mix is a reflection of the direction I will be embarking for 2019, a little more

sinister, noisy, and rhythmically obscure, I’m constantly evolving my sound and

experimenting with various approaches to music in every sense, I’m never truly

content with the current as I’m in a never ending flux searching for intriguing

approaches and sounds, last year I went through some personal ups and downs, at

the end of the day the make me who I am and have no regrets, and at the very least

fuel my attempts to dig even deeper within myself to offer the world a piece of my

true self! Included in this mix are some of the artists and labels I dearly admire, and

a track from my forthcoming release on Holy Geometry, in addition you can also

expect an ep for Vanity Pill, and a few other contributions to various artists releases

in 2019!



SC: @user-895474856




Uploaded by 07 July 2021
Artists (1)