About the artists : The Mantra Session: Laura López Castro & Lukas Lonski (Visuals by Merve Terzi)

Essential Frequencies – The Mantra Sessions. Berlin-based musician and yoga teacher Laura López Castro merges both of her passions for a spiritual impromptu music experience. Accompanied by soundscapes from multi instrumentalist Lukas Lonski and vivid video projections by Merve Terzi, Laura sings her favorite traditional mantras to solfeggio frequencies.


Live Recording by Laura López Castro & Lukas Lonski

Live Visuals by Merve Terzi

Video Editing by Antololka

Music Mastering by Giovanni Conti at Artefacts Mastering

Graphic Design by Philipp Wassermann

A collaboration between:

DOTS Gallery & 11001 Records

Valentin Ginies, Pit Ruge & Martin Ruge

Live Performance Video : https://youtu.be/yGA1sRk_csA


Support the artists involved

This is an artist to artist project and with our Bandcamp & Formaviva we support the artists involve. 50% of the revenue of the release goes directly to the artist and 50% goes towards hosting and recording more Domecast sessions.

Released by 27 January 2022

Teufelsberg Domecast #10 The Mantra Session: Laura López Castro & Lukas Lonski

by Laura Lopez Castro & Lukas Lonski

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