We put together this compilation as a fundraiser for the people of Beirut. 100% of proceeds will go directly to relief, and support organizations on the ground in Beirut.
In the aftermath of an explosion at the city's main port exactly 1 month ago that caused unthinkable amount of damage to the city of Beirut and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. In addition, the damage and destruction of infrastructure and buildings throughout the city (including many cultural spaces, heritage sites, museums, hospitals, studios), not to mention the injured, homeless and hungry families who are in survival mode.
The amount of support for this project has been humbling and its a pleasure to release this mix of music from various artists from all over the world with the sole purpose of raising funds for people on the ground, day in day out, doing what they can to volunteer alongside local and international organizations to support the people who were and will be affected for a long time to come.
Follow us
on Facebook: www.facebook.com/systemrevival00
on Instagram: www.instagram.com/systemrevival/
Huge thanks to everybody involved in supporting this compilation:
- Conor Dalton from Glowcast (Mastering) & the incredible painting/artwork
- Merlin Ettore for his photo & editing skills
- Alex - www.atact.uk for graphics support
- Alessandro for the SRR LOGO - www.instagram.com/lale__ttt/
- Nadine Makarem - The Volunteer Circle for their constant and fearless efforts in their mission to make Beirut & Lebanon a better place
- Alexis Mouawad - Architect expert assessing the damage on various historic buildings
- My family who have braved through their lives in our troubled homeland for so many years and supported me always <3
and of course last but certainly not least, all the artists involved who contributed music, your efforts and support mean the world to us.
Arad / Charles Green / Charlton / Cocktail Party Effect / Cressida / Eomac / Estebahn / Exos / Gotshell / GT⁵⁰⁰ / Isabassi ft. MISTICA / Kujo (Modular Mind) / Kamikaze Space Programme / Legowelt / Magna Pia / MAKH / Manni Dee / Morah / Nadia Struiwigh / NP [Anthony Sahyoun and Jad Atoui] / Nur Jaber / Peder Mannerfelt / Refracted / Rhyw / Safa / Scarlit Port / Sorcery / Thanos Hana / Tyler Friedman / Yasmine Hamdan
by Arad, Charles Green, Charlton, Cocktail Party Effect, Cressida, Eomac, Estebahn, Exos, Gotshell, Isabassi ft. MISTICA, Kamikaze Space Programme, Kujo, Legowelt, Magna Pia, MAKH, Manni Dee, Morah, Nadia Struiwigh, NP, Peder Mannerfelt, Refracted, Rhyw, Safa, Scarlit Port, Sorcery, Thonas Hana, Tyler Friedman, Umwelt
by Arad, Charles Green, Charlton, Cocktail Party Effect, Cressida, Eomac, Estebahn, Exos, Gotshell, Isabassi ft. MISTICA, Kamikaze Space Programme, Kujo, Legowelt, Magna Pia, MAKH, Manni Dee, Morah, Nadia Struiwigh, NP, Peder Mannerfelt, Refracted, Rhyw, Safa, Scarlit Port, Sorcery, Thonas Hana, Tyler Friedman, Umwelt