Sure Thing’s second release sees Italian producer PRG/M join the label’s roster, following an acclaimed EP for Midgar Records and his ongoing work as a member of r²π. Departing from the soft edges of MIST001, the six-track EP contains multitudes, with looping arrangements that showcase PRG/M’s technical depth and breadth of vision. From the hypnotic, tightly percussive “Giardini e Palagi” to the intense, psychedelic “Flutto Rovente,” the EP captures a range of moods and textures and offers an exemplary example of precise, immersive techno.

The title, Lenta Ginestra, takes its name from a flowering species that grows slowly upon the slopes of Mount Vesuvius, the active volcano known for Pompeii’s destruction. The title is poetic and apt; throughout the EP there’s a sense of restrained patience amid chaos. Like the flower, the title track is delicate but tough, building tension and skillfully resisting catharsis. A remix from Stilla Ton’s Acronym is a dance-forward deconstruction that incites movement while nicely complementing PRG/M’s more charged productions. Despite the lush density of these tracks, groove is never sacrificed. It’s a commanding work, made for both dance floors and deep listening.

Released by 10 September 2020
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Lenta Ginestra

by PRG/M

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