Programming The Source represents the parallelism and the different distance that can exist between the pieces that make up the same work. On the one hand, a pattern of closeness can be identified by the sound similarity of the tracks, since Translate has opted for the homogeneity of the sci-fi sound, with its so characteristic musical phrases of high tessitura. But within this uniform and easily recognizable sound, the Argentine producer has been able to adopt a different personality with each track to separate them as much as possible within the same universe.

This album meets all the requirements to be part of Subsist Records' record inventory, both for its musical orientation and for the extension of its format. The cosmic techno of this release admits quite different interpretations, in its 19 tracks its author offers energetic ranges that oscillate between rawness or forcefulness, and between a more peaceful and transitory style. (Text by Ximo Noguera /Industrial Complexx)

Released by 03 April 2020
Artists (1)

SUBSIST.98D - Programming The Source

by Translate

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