Aterrizando' is an epigraph with which Emitto Audio aims to express that their moment has arrived and that although they are still in the process of adaptation, as someone who takes a new direction in their life, the path is already defined and the guidelines to follow are designed long before embarking on the path.

This Mexican project underpins its model with different techniques and means with a modus operandi based on several work systems more typical of scientific methods and adverse day-to-day realities. His first contact with the musical circuit is recent, his first contribution has been a collaboration in the brand new VVAA published by Modularz on the occasion of its tenth anniversary.

Aterrizando is the first reference of this veteran couple of Mexican artists, an EP that opens with 'Desveladeados', an energetic track with a uniform cadence and a homogeneous harmonic background that shines with its organic nuances. Sin Fondo' is a cut with a somewhat softer punch than the previous one but with the same vigorous character, same biochemistry and again with a neat texture.

The third track is the one that gives the name to the delivery and with which Emitto Audio adopts a cosmic nature with the arpeggiated elaboration of its melody. The metrics in the percussive motifs continue to be uniform and penetrating with the sum of the rest. This track has its exegesis in the hands of Datura Dilema, a project that has always enjoyed the maximum trust of Subsist Records and which brings this version to its field with an equally hypnotic approach but with a colder sound.(Ximo Noguera)

Released by 11 April 2019
Artists (1)

SUBSIST.84D - Aterrizando EP

by Emitto Audio

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