Augusto Taito joins the artistic inventory of Subsist Records with an autocratic album in which the Argentine producer, keeping his musical personality firm, interprets a hard and forceful style full of oppressive allusions referring to the authoritarianism that plays the energetic punch that exhibits in his songs.

Tyranny Becomes Law opens with a first introductory track that minimizes the great dynamic unfolding that continues in the rest of the delivery, from the second cut Augusto Taito is used with skill to maintain the intensity without deriving as a whole to a single uniform piece. Each track is nourished by its own structures and patterns that favour the plurality of the reference. (Ximo nOguera)

/Tyranny Becomes Law /

In a planetary reality in which the competitive spirit lives on the edge of its skin, it is

makes deep knowledge, and/or fluid communication terribly harsh.

This kind of blind trust that makes us move guided by the senses more

humanly pure, that our species (unconsciously) carries within, perhaps you see the

to awaken when mutual support and selflessly applied solidarity becomes, more

than law: drive and necessity.

Today the tyranny dominates us, or that tries... pity that we sleep with one eye open

to be safe from paralysis, death in life.

Today and always, against the pressure of the world. (Pulso)

Released by 25 January 2019
Artists (1)

SUBSIST.82D - Tyranny Becomes Law

by Augusto Taito

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Digital album