Prepare yourselves for an electrifying journey as Temudo makes his mark on Sciahri's label Sublunar, with a mesmerizing EP that encapsulates the essence of the artist's multifaceted techno mastery.

Hailing from Portugal and renowned as the co-owner of Hayes, Temudo has left an indelible mark on the techno landscape, affiliating with illustrious labels such as Klockworks and Blueprint. With a distinctive sonic signature, this EP, unveils the various dimensions of Temudo's sonic vision.

The sonic odyssey commences with 'U where my first second choice,' a pulsating blend of energy and hypnotic allure. Transitioning seamlessly into 'Asset 2,' the track resonates with an... more


released March 22, 2024

w & p by Temudo

Mastered By - Neel at Enisslab in Rome

Released by 03 April 2024
Artists (1)


Temudo - 5 Assets

by Temudo

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Temudo - 5 Assets 12"
Includes digital download.
Prepare yourselves for an electrifying journey as Temudo makes his mark on Sciahri's label Sublunar, with a mesmerizing EP that encapsulates the essence of the artist's multifaceted techno mastery. Hailing from Portugal and renowned as the co-owner of Hayes, Temudo has left an indelible mark on the techno landscape, affiliating with illustrious labels such as Klockworks and Blueprint. With a distinctive sonic signature, this EP, unveils the various dimensions of Temudo's sonic vision. The sonic odyssey commences with 'U where my first second choice,' a pulsating blend of energy and hypnotic allure. Transitioning seamlessly into 'Asset 2,' the track resonates with an... more credits released March 22, 2024 w & p by Temudo Mastered By - Neel at Enisslab in Rome
Digital album