18 Figures debuts on Southern Lights with a wide-ranging release covering magnetic and esoteric signals, including a blazing remix from Sciahri.

The EP is a nod to the ancient Roman festival Saturnalia, a celebration and holiday in honour of the god Saturn. The A-side introduces 18 Figures’ intent with 82 Moons and God’s Sickle: off-beat, obscure and opaque productions before closing with the ambient composition of Accretion Disk.

The B-side features Ammonia and a ferocious remix by Sublunar head Sciahri, turning the ritual-esqe and hypnotic sounds of the original on its head with an impulsive and heady interpretation.

Released by 11 July 2022
Artists (2)


by Sciahri, 18 Figures

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Purchase items (2)
Saturnalia EP
Includes digital download.
140g 12" vinyl release of 18 Figures - Saturnalia EP.
Digital album