"A Turning Point" album is telling a story about incidents which are unwanted but necessary in the journey of creating an authentic self.

Sometimes "encounters" which challenge a person on their weaknesses happen in bad weather, and it leaves all in "wreck". The person stumbles on a turning point. They will either continue the way without any compromises, "sprout" as they wish or make the sacrifices on their ideal self-images which is necessary in order to fight less, by being "beaten".

Made with analogue synthesizer and digital effects.

All the income will be donated to Ahbap, a non-governmental organization, to meet the needs of the victims of the massive earthquakes in Türkiye.

Artwork by Şevval Nida Balçık


Released by 11 February 2023
Artists (1)

A Turning Point

by Ozan Aydın

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