Volkaść Grzybowa's '16,7 days of live and death' tells about just another day of inhabitants of acid sea coast on Callisto, Saturn satellite. It all starts in serene morning on the rookery of mechanical seals. While no one sees an impending danger, killer whales are already dissecting neon waters with their dorsal fins. In an instant, a massacre starts. Water and sand turns purple with blood and air gets filled with animal screams. But soon everything calms down, killer whales swim away taking their own. Evening falls, scavengers clean the coast of remains and soon surviving seals are quietly basking in the sand. It is the order of life here, it's essence. Every day is the same here on Callisto and lasts 16.7 Earth days.

Album's cover depicts spathiphyllum named Arseny, being considered as one of the collaboration participants. The image was processed with neural network nearly beyond recognition. Cover art also contains visual elements looking like algae and bones which were created by Leanyd using neural network.

About the Act - Volkaść Grzybowa

Volkaść Grzybowa is the collaborative project of two sound producers: Leanyd Churylau aka A-BELL (Minsk, Belarus) and Ilya Chertkov aka mal0 (Vladimir, Russia).

Ilya has created soundscapes using DIY MIDI Sprout device which converts micro-changes of plants leaves surface resistance into music (just like polygraph). Also, he has outlined the course of compositions development and made the cover art.

Leanyd stands behind compositions conception and overall narrative. Aside of this work, he was improvising with analog and digital synthesizers, DIY noise/drone boxes, doing sound design and working on final arrangement and mixing.


Written + Produced = Volkaść Grzybowa

Mastered for Digital Edition = Anatoly Grinberg

Cover + Artwork = Leanyd Churylau + Ilija Chertkov

16​,​7 days of live and death

by Volkaść Grzybowa

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