Welcome to an aquatic exploration of sound. This new series of EPs invites you to a sonic immersion of different aquatic environments of the world through dub and deep techno as well as break.

For this first release, Boskøw, Martinou, Upwellings and Artos Eleven take us on a poetic and modern adventure of the Mediterranean.

Boskøw starts us off in Samena, a neighbourhood in the Calanque park of Marseille. A precious moment of introspection in the early morning, listening to the waves and voices of the Phocean city.

Leaving the rocky coast of Marseille, Reef Surveyor by Upwelling takes you on a boat ride to watch over the local marine ecosystem. Its faster rhythm conveys the challenge this entails with the increasing impact of climate change.

After a long day out at sea, Martinou’s Anemone sways smoothly with the sea current, interjected by small skanks shining through like rays of light at sunset. However, don’t be fooled - Martinou’s deep layers will slowly take over and entrance you.

Artos Eleven's Baliste evokes a nocturnal excursion between sand and rock. Named after the Mediterranean Triggerfish, its broken rhythms and deep water skanks will bite, leaving you wanting more.

Produced by Boskøw, Upwellings, Martinou & Artos Eleven

Mastered by Arthur Bohl & Mattias Fridell

Artwork by Daisy de Montjoye

Promotion by Corentin Mouveaux

Marseille, France

Release date: 24th October 2022

Released by 24 October 2022
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Mediterranean Dub [MLF007]

by Upwellings, martinou, Boskøw, Artos Eleven · 𝔸𝟙𝟙

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