"Δαίμων Εαυτού" for the ancient Greeks was the deity-protector who lived inside each person from birth to death, something like today's "Guardian-angel" and the correct translation of the phrase basically means "I act according to what my conscience thinks is right".

The title was not chosen at random. It is a phrase in ancient Greek that precisely defines my inner world and my choice not to be imprisoned in stereotypes and "must do" that do not characterise me as a human being. I would say that I have always been absolute in my beliefs and the values ​​that I think we need in a society to be able to express our respect and our love, our humility and our honesty.

In a world where "appearance" is more important than "soul", thinking about your fellow human being and be yourself is a small revolution.-

Released by 04 June 2024
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KHR067 | Δαίμων Εαυτού

by Van Morph

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