Roman god of fertility, mirth, merriment, revelry, wine, wisdom, and


Bacchus was born of Zeus and Semele's union against the will of Hera, Zeus wife. When the jealous Hera learned of Semele's pregnancy by Zeus she angrily plotted against them. She disguised herself and came to Semele, telling her she should ask that Zeus appear before her in all his glory as the god of thunder.Zeus swore to grant whatever wish Semele might have. Forced to abide by his oath, he appeared to Semele as a display of lightening and thunder, which killed her. As Semele died, she gave birth to Bacchus, who died as well. Zeus restored life to him and sent the child to be raised by the nymphs, out of Hera's jealous eye.

As the god of spring, he is Bacchus is said to be in terrible pain during winter when the flowering plants and vines wither and die.

His followers were called bacchants. After reveling and overindulging in wine, they danced around in a craze often trampling and tearing people and animals to pieces. Bacchanalia was a festival held which involved excessive drinking and drunken orgies. Also known as Dionysus [Greek].

Cover By Evangelos Morph

Written and Produced by Van Morph

Mastered by Studio One UK

Quality 24bit 48000

Released by 12 June 2024
Artists (1)

Van Morph - Bacchus (Original mix)

by Van Morph

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