Depth Structure I is the sound of voices that speak from deep beneath the undertow, clearer than reason, twice as loud, and just as never-ending. It suggests the light and beckons us to it, all while swallowing us like darkness. Gradually, with repeated trips down the path, we have internalized the map. It has become part of us. We know the way. On the Earth and in the Mind.

The common ground travelled is perceptible in the music created for this release. Reggy Van Oers reaches dizzying heights as Encircling Persistence shows itself as the sound of a bird of prey descending and ascending upon it´s victim, gliding before our eyes, buzzing in our minds. Pvnv deploys a driving rhythm, accentuated by creaking resonance and allowing a twinkling pattern to rise from it, that gives a sense of urgency to the track, like fireflies at high speed, with Antic Hands. Repart defines a Paradigm in the journey by imposing a bubbling bass pattern that feels like it´s pushing and pulling at the beat, and raising the tension with creeping rattling pattern and a propulsive, rhythmic phrasing of the synth line. Massa himself seems to channel the Earth´s pulse on Terra, as the steady rhythm is graced by crystalline and glistening pads that feel like a fresh trickling current in the humid, lush forest ground.

Released by 17 October 2017
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Depth Structure I

by Pvnv, Massa, Reggy van Oers, Repart

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