Hod's EP “Biodecoding”, consists of four tracks that characterize this work for its depth, soul, and a richness of textures and harmonies that explore the physical and mental process of healing and evolution of the mind.

“Higher Regions” opens the EP with a depiction of the mind's ascent into higher levels of consciousness. Using ethereal sounds, ascending harmonic progressions and spatial textures, it evokes a sense of elevation and expansion, symbolizing the beginning of a journey towards clarity and inner peace.

“Dystopian Eternity” follows with an exploration of inner struggle and turmoil. This track reflects the dark and challenging moments the mind faces, using dissonant textures, fragmented rhythms and industrial elements to create a tense and challenging atmosphere. It represents the eternity of the inner struggle and resilience of the human spirit.

“Antimatter Method” delves into the methodology of mental disintegration and reconstruction. This track uses antimatter as a metaphor to address and transform the negative and unknown parts of the mind. With complex rhythms, deep bass lines and granular synths that disintegrate and reform, it symbolizes constant movement and change, destruction and renewal.

Finally, “Biodecoding” focuses on mental and physical healing on a molecular level. This track features layers of organic and synthetic textures and evolving harmonies that reflect the healing process. All of this adds an emotional dimension, connecting the listener to the introspective journey towards self-understanding and regeneration.

Overall, the “Biodecoding” EP addresses mental and physical evolution through healing, guiding the listener through a journey from consciousness elevation to inner regeneration. Visually, this EP can be accompanied by images of dreamlike and abstract landscapes, blending natural and futuristic elements to reflect the fusion of the organic and the technological in the healing process.

Written and produced by Juan Andrés Rúa Trujillo

Mastered by Andres Zuluaga

Artwork and Visuals by Staticflood

Released by 23 August 2024
Artists (1)



by Hod

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Digital album