Ascetic Limited is proud to present the first EP from one of our co-founders and half of Motionen, Secus. Interlinked comprises four original tracks and one remix by our other co-founder and also half of Motionen, Altrd Being.

The EP begins with B26354 providing a hypnotic journey through repetitive yet morphing synthesis that will take the listener in to deepest realms of the mind.

Interlinked pushes into a driving, yet trippy atmospheric space with detuned soundscape perfect to bring forth a more psychedelic mood to the dance floor. Dim lifeforms dives into deeper, dark atmospheric sounds into a more introspective mood. The fourth track takes you on a Mystical Journey through a cinematic space with uprising melodies. Lastly, Altrd Being's Version of the last track brings a darker ominous vibe to the Mystical Journey, that is suited to bring the dance floor to moments of light in the darkness.

Released by 22 January 2020
Artists (1)



by Secus

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