.CHPTR019 'La escucha atenta'

by F-on

47 plays

f-on (Madrid, Spain) ‘La escucha atenta’

La ‘escucha atenta’ (attentive listening) represents above all paying attention and concentrating on what is being heard. It requires a willingness to follow the reasoning of what is being told. The listener does nothing more than that: listen, interpet and understand. It is essential that the message is cordially accepted by the listener, as it is, creating a context of closeness and trust that facilitates the exchange of ideas from those who need to express themselves.

From a glacial surrounding, completely isolated and with nothing more than the blizzard strumming. An introspection from the deepest edges of oneself through the ascension to the clouds. A continuum of imaginary mental antonyms from cold / hot, human / non-human, good news / bad news, brightness / darkness, peace / war, freedom / slavery, antiquity / modernity, security / insecurity, gentleness / ferocity, looseness / tenseness…are just some of the crossroads we had when we listened to Alfonso’s storyline.

Uploaded by 23 November 2020


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